
Engine Dipstick Tube

5-7-2009 to 5-20-2009

The rear freeze plug is right behind the oil filler tube.  The tube is just a friction fit into the block but I could not wiggle it out with a strap wrench and bad language.  I could get the freeze plug out with the tube in place but to get the new plug in I will have to pull this tube.  I will try clamping blocks to the tube and tapping them with a hammer.  I just hope it is not glued in somehow.  There is also a large dent in the tube I will try to take care of.
This is my first half-assed attempt to get the dipstick tube out of the block.  I clamped this metal bit to the tube and beat on it.  No joy.  I also tried a strap wrench, a wooden block and hammer, and a lot of cussing.  I was not sure how to get this guy out so I set it aside until I got the oil pan out of the way.


This is a much better idea.  I found a socket the same diameter as the dipstick tube and smacked it with a 2x4 a couple of times.  The tube slid right out.  I think the 2x4 will be the installation tool of choice as well.
This is a very fuzzy shot of the dent on the tube.  You can see it is almost kinked.  From the shape of the dent I conclude my father was trying to change a freeze plug with this tube in the way and did something unspeakable to the tube.  Or maybe he told me that is what happened.
Keeping with my socket abuse theme I started pounding sockets though the tube.  I started with one that almost fit though and gradually increased sizes until I got to this one that barely fit though.  Each socket acted as a mandrel to force the dent out.  The tube was held squarely on a board to prevent further damage.
Here is the after shot. There is still a tiny crease in the side but not enough to worry about.  I did not want to get too aggressive and risk causing a problem.  When this is in the car nobody will notice.